Face Primer for Oily Skin and Normal skin

Rose water 2   TP spoon
Glycerin 1     Tb spoon

Mix them and pour it into the bottle 
Use three to four drops before the makeup
Massage your face gently 
one it mixed with your skin tone 
Use the foundation 

Face Primer for Dry Skin & Sensitive Skin
Rose Water         2tbsp.
Glycerin             1tbsp
Johnson's Baby 
Vitamin E Oil    1tsp.
Small Bottle       1

Mix them Well pour into the bottle.
use four to five drops .
message your face gently and once it mixed with your skin 
use the desire foundation . 


Coconut Oil    300 grams
Black pepper   3    grams

Boil the black pepper in to the coconut oil.
When start boiling turn off the stove.
Sieve with a fine cloth
Keep this mixture in a bottle

How to Use
Gently message with the fingertips
Apply over the night 



Tomato Juice               1 tea spoon 
Lemon Juice                half tea spoon 
Turmeric Powder         A pinch 
Gram Flour                  A pinch

Mix all ingredients 
Make a paste 
Apply this paste on the effective areas
leave it stay for 10 minutes 

Alternative Methods
Apply cucumber or potato juice on the eyes with cotton balls.
Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice on the dark circles twice a day. Good Home Remedy for Dark Circles.
Application of used cold tea bag will soothe the eyes and cure dark circles of the eyes. Another Good Home Remedy for Dark Circles.
Drink tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt.

Eight Hours sleep must be necessary and recommended for all



Sugar  1 cup 

  1. Melt the sugar, taking care that it does not stick. 
  2. Keep stirring until you see it melting and start adding the juice of lime. 
  3. When you see it foaming and becoming thicker, take it off the fire and let it cool. 
  4. Apply only when warm, as hot wax can burn the skin badly.

How To Use 
  • Smooth the wax on the skin in the direction of the hair growth with a flat blunt knife. 
  • Let it set. 
  • Then take a strip of cloth, press it well on the wax-covered skin and strip it off in the opposite direction of hair growth.
  • Make sure that before waxing, your skin is absolutely dry. 
  • If necessary, dust it with talcum powder. 
  • After waxing sponge off with warm water to which an antiseptic is added to prevent any infection or rash. 
  • Also, rub on cold cream or any other soothing lotion or lavender oil. 
  • The few straggly hair that remain can easily be plucked off or removed by threading.