ACNE, Black Heads and Anti age Mask


  1. 1 table spoon Spiralina powder 
  2. 1 egg white (glare) 

  • Mix well and make a paste from these two ingredients . 
  • It will make a thick paste .

  1. Apply it on face after cleansing . 
  2. Apply a layer on face by finger tips or facial brush.
  3. Apply on your neck as well
  4. Once you feel its became dry repeat application apply second layer .
  5. At last apply the third layer let it  dry . whole procedure will take 30 minutes .
  6. After 30 minutes wash the face with warm water you will see a amazing difference .
  7. Apply moisturizer or serum if available for better result 

  • This simple and easy face mask is an excellent choice for all skin types. 
  • It will leave your skin feeling moisturized and bright, along with evening out skin tone and fighting bacteria.

Other Benefits of Spiralina powder :
  • Encourage cell turnover
  • Lead to healthier nails due to spirulina’s high protein content
  • Promote hair growth
  • Fight acne with antibacterial properties